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Day 24: Yenne to Saint-Genix

I'm very sad for I lost my hat 😢. As I packed my things in the Camping ground I just couldn't find it! I looked and looked and took everything apart but to no avail. I have NO idea where it could've gone and I spent two hours searching until I was forced to hit the Trail. My only guess is that it must've been stolen as there is no way it is anywhere near the tent I was sleeping in. But then again: who in their right mind would want to wear this thing?!

So for now I'm topless 😬. Wore my bigass hood most of the day so I looked even more insane - or maybe less, depending on how you react to my glacier goggles... 🤔

Lili was back in Yenne and I had no intention nor a possibility to go back there. So what I did was looking for the fastest way to Saint-Genix and walked along the Rhône instead of over all

those hills. Is that cheating? I mean I DID walk all he way, just not on what is considered the official Camino...

It was nice and flat but also boring and the weather changed like every five minutes.

Not gonna lie: it was SO hard to walk on without finding my hat and goggles! When one posesses so little stuff, every single item becomes dear to ones heart and it seems like the worst loss when it is gone. But after more than two hours searching what was I supposed to do? I left my contact info at the desk of a tremendously unhelpful and bored member of staff and pressed on. If it is meant to be it will find its way back to me - stranger things have happened and it is the Camino after all!

Since there's little more of interest to report dor today I'll write here about my opinion of miracles. I am - as you'll know perfectly well if you know me - by heart a sceptic and naturalist. Every claim regarding the supernatural of any kind I meet with scepticism and mockery.

I do make an exeption here on the Camino tough. For I experience instances here that are beyond my usual understanding of nature and coincidences. Take Yesterday for example when I was almost lost three times (!) and every single time there was somebody around from

absoliyely nowhere warning me and showing me the right path! Two times it was just a nice coincidence but the third time when Ulrike just showed up cometely by chance warning us of a HARD climb and preventing us from being literally lost on a mountain I really started to question my reality...

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May 04, 2023



May 03, 2023

Jetzt kannst du dir endlich eine Phrygische Mütze zulegen, wie ich dir schon lange geraten habe 😁


May 02, 2023

RIP hat 🫡


May 02, 2023

You win some, you lose some. Maybe the camino claimed your hat because it had to tell you, not once, not twice, but THREE times which way to go. Sending so many miracles is exhausting and deserves a reward.


May 02, 2023

Now you left me wondering about your hat! Maybe someone stole it because of the steampunky goggles? 🤔 - AJ

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